D Society Special Series 2020-2021 METAPHYSICS AND POETICS MICHAELMAS TERM 2020 9 October 2020 1.30-3.00pm [joint with ITIA, St Andrews] Catherine Pickstock (Cambridge), Introduction to the series: Metaphysics and Poetics Steven Toussaint (Cambridge), “Redeeming Poetics”. 23 October 2020 1.30-3pm Valentin Gerlier (Cambridge), ‘Praise as Poetics: A Critical Intervention in Theology and Literature’. Response by Dr Elizabeth Powell (Durham). 6 November 2020 1.30-3pm [joint with ITIA, St Andrews] Rowan Williams (Cambridge), “Negative Theology: some misunderstandings”. Response by Patrick McGlinchey (St Andrews). 20 November 2020 1.30-3pm John Betz (Notre Dame), “The Metaphysical Imagination: Toward an Analogical Poetics”. This year, the D Society is running as a 'special series' under the theme 'Metaphysics and Poetics', with some high profile sessions being run jointly with the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts at St Andrew's, and a study day later in the year. All the seminars will be online External attendees are also welcome to join the online seminars; please contact Professor Catherine Pickstock cjp15@cam.ac.uk Related content Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Religion specialists Manage portlets