Homage to Herbert Howells by Fr Dominic WhiteNov 5, 2020Homage to Herbert Howells, on rehearing his words from a BBC interview,through Jean-Luc Chrétien, through Valentin Gerlier,through Gerard Manley HopkinsHomage to Herbert Howells.pdfDownload PDF • 48KB
Homage to Herbert Howells, on rehearing his words from a BBC interview,through Jean-Luc Chrétien, through Valentin Gerlier,through Gerard Manley HopkinsHomage to Herbert Howells.pdfDownload PDF • 48KB
Jean-Luc Marion’s Pipe (a Phenomenology) by Fr Dominic WhiteImage: René Magritte, ‘La Trahison des images’ (1928-9). Oil paint / Lithograph. [Approaches to Modernism, University of Alabama] A new...