The Call for Submissions for the annual Noesis Review is now open!

The Cambridge Divinity graduate journal of Systematic and Philosophical Theology showcases short essays, as well as pieces from both the written and visual arts with a theological and philosophical quality, including fiction/non-fiction prose, poetry, drawings, and the like. Written works should be between 500-2,000 words. The Review has traditionally focused on theology, philosophy, and poetics but also includes the full breadth of the Divinity Faculty graduates’ interests, regardless of discipline. Contributors may be connected to any faculty.
We are also looking for a photograph, illustration, or painting to be our cover this year! If you have something that might fit, please reach out. 150-Word Proposals Due: 31 March Essays due: 19 June Submissions might include, but are not limited to:
An essay of traditional theological/philosophical writing
Theological/philosophical reflections on poetry or prose
Any theological/philosophical creative writing/poetry
Photographs or illustrations followed up by a short written piece of theological/philosophical reflection
Please send abstract to
All the best,
The Noesis Editorial Team