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Cambridge Divinity Online During a Time of Confinement

NTO EuARe Online Panel

New Trinitarian Ontologies EuARe Online Panel

Hosted by the European Academy of Religion

14:00-17:00 Thursday 25 June 2020

Live-Streaming Channel:


Ryan Haecker (University of Cambridge)


John Milbank (University of Nottingham)

Giulio Maspero (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross)

Luigino Bruni (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta)

Eduard Fiedler (Masaryk University)


The study of the structure of being or ontology in metaphysics was once regarded as a seminal preparation for the study of God as the creative cause of all being in theology.  Yet ontology has since come to be separated from trinitarian theology, before God came to be conceived in early modern philosophy as the supreme being of all beings in general metaphysics, natural theology, and modern ontology. Modern ontology has since dirempted the ontological from the theological, suspended theology, and simulated ontology. The Analytic and Continental philosophical traditions have variously tended to treat the Trinity as, at best, superfluous, and, at worst, redundant to modern ontology. Yet with the postmodern collapse of all such formal ontologies, we may now once more recollect and renew trinitarian theology. New trinitarian ontologies names a creative response to this collapse of modern formal ontologies. If ontology cannot contain but rather and more radically points to God, and if all nature thus tends towards the supernatural, the angelic, and the metaphysical, then we may begin to renew this central investigation into the metaphysics or ontology of the Trinity.

Sincerely yours, Ryan Haecker Peterhouse, Cambridge



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